Nicholas Turney

Nicholas Turney

Contact Information

Woodland English/SS - Part-time
Woodland Community College

I was born and raised in the Bay Area and have lived in California for the majority of my life. I attended Diablo Valley College after high school. This is where I was introduced to public speaking and that class started me on the path to where I am today. After attending Diablo Valley College and Butte College I transferred to CSU, Chico. While I was an undergrad at CSU, Chico I worked in Distance Education and was an award-winning member of the Chico State Speech and Debate team. In 2004 I graduated with my Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies with an option in Human Communication. I returned to CSU, Chico for my Master of Arts in Communication Studies. While a graduate student, I coached the speech and debate team and worked as a teaching associate. After graduating with my Master of Arts in Communication Studies. I taught at CSU, Chico, and Butte College for a period of time. I would later come to work at Woodland Community College.

After a year at Woodland Community College, I took a break from teaching to be a stay-at-home parent. During this time I would attend speech and debate tournaments to work as a judge. When my children became school age I returned to Woodland Community College. In addition to teaching at Woodland Community College, I have also taught at Sierra College, Sacramento City College, and Solano Community College. I currently teach courses for Solano Community College spending a large portion of my time teaching incarcerated students in the California State Prison.

The Courses that I have taught in the past include Public Speaking, Small Group Communication, Argumentation and Critical Thinking, Debate, and Persuasion. In Addition to the courses that I teach I am also an active member of the campus community I have served on the Communication and Technology Committee, the LGBTQIA workgroup, First-year experience workgroup, graduation workgroup, Flex/ Professional Development Committee, and from April of 2018 to November 2021 I served as faculty advisor for Associated Students of Woodland Community College (ASWCC) our student government on campus. Being involved on campus makes me feel more connected to the campus and helps me have a greater understanding of the needs of our students. The students that I have had the opportunity of working with have made a great impact on campus. They have worked very hard to make the campus a better place by always keeping the students in mind.


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Office Hours

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Class Schedule

Class Time / Dates / Days Location
Title: Public Speaking
Method: LEC02 Section: SPECH-1-W5072
Section ID: 140680
9:00AM to 10:15AM
1/13/2025 to 5/19/2025
Bldg: W800
Room: W-808
Title: Public Speaking
Method: LEC02 Section: SPECH-1-W5073
Section ID: 140683
1:00PM to 2:15PM
1/13/2025 to 5/19/2025
Bldg: W800
Room: W-808
Title: Small Group Comm
Method: LEC02 Section: SPECH-6-W5075
Section ID: 140689
10:30AM to 11:45AM
1/13/2025 to 5/19/2025
Bldg: W800
Room: W-808