Welcome to the world of Human Body ! My name is Jaya Shah, by education I am a medical doctor (MD), but I have been working as a Human Anatomy and Human Physiology instructor for 12 years at WCC. I worked as a clinical instructor for paramedics before I joined WCC, so most of my carrier is devoted towards teaching. I believe strong basic medical science (Anatomy and Physiology) is the fundamentals of the training in medical field and allied healthe science. This is what guided me to pursue the teaching profession.
Contact this individual: jshah@yccd.edu, 530-668-3689
Class | Time / Dates / Days | Location |
Title: Human Anatomy Method: LAB04 Section: BIOL-4-W2043 Section ID: 139124 |
1:30PM to 4:20PM 8/12/2024 to 12/11/2024 M W |
Bldg: W600 Room: W-626 |
Title: Human Anatomy Method: LEC02 Section: BIOL-4-W2043 Section ID: 139124 |
12:00PM to 12:50PM 8/12/2024 to 12/11/2024 M W |
Bldg: W600 Room: W-606 |
Title: Human Anatomy Method: LAB04 Section: BIOL-4-W2044 Section ID: 139125 |
9:00AM to 11:50AM 8/12/2024 to 12/11/2024 M W |
Bldg: W600 Room: W-626 |
Title: Human Anatomy Method: LEC02 Section: BIOL-4-W2044 Section ID: 139125 |
12:00PM to 12:50PM 8/12/2024 to 12/11/2024 M W |
Bldg: W600 Room: W-606 |
Title: Human Physiology Method: LAB72 Section: BIOL-5-D9576 Section ID: 139135 |
N/A 8/12/2024 to 12/11/2024 online |
Bldg: WNET Room: WNET |
Title: Human Physiology Method: LEC72 Section: BIOL-5-D9576 Section ID: 139135 |
N/A 8/12/2024 to 12/11/2024 online |
Bldg: WNET Room: WNET |