Hello, my name is Dr. Stephanie Jaime. I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. I am a social worker through and through I have a BSW, MSW and DSW. I currently work in the medical field as a renal social worker. I have a background working with adolescents and families involved with Child Welfare and the juvenile justice system. I am experienced in individual and group therapy, and completing adult and youth alcohol and drug assessments. I love teaching and helping students to learn the material and realize their educational and career dreams!
Contact this individual: sjaime@yccd.edu,
Class | Time / Dates / Days | Location |
Title: Law/Ethics Husev Method: LEC72 Section: HUSEV-23-D9587 Section ID: 140850 |
N/A 1/13/2025 to 5/19/2025 online |
Bldg: WNET Room: WNET |
Title: Group Couns Skills Method: LEC72 Section: HUSEV-28-D9588 Section ID: 140851 |
N/A 1/13/2025 to 5/19/2025 online |
Bldg: WNET Room: WNET |
Title: Soc Work Sem/Field Method: LAB04 Section: HUSEV-43-W5099 Section ID: 141343 |
N/A 1/13/2025 to 5/19/2025 online |
Bldg: TBAW Room: W-TBA1 |
Title: Soc Work Sem/Field Method: LEC02 Section: HUSEV-43-W5099 Section ID: 141343 |
N/A 1/13/2025 to 5/19/2025 online |
Bldg: TBAW Room: W-TBA1 |
Title: Chem Dep Sem/Intern Method: LAB04 Section: HUSEV-44R-W5100 Section ID: 141344 |
N/A 1/13/2025 to 5/19/2025 online |
Bldg: TBAW Room: W-TBA1 |
Title: Chem Dep Sem/Intern Method: LEC02 Section: HUSEV-44R-W5100 Section ID: 141344 |
N/A 1/13/2025 to 5/19/2025 online |
Bldg: TBAW Room: W-TBA1 |