Contact this individual:, 530-661-5760
Class | Time / Dates / Days | Location |
Title: Hlth, Safety, Nutri Method: LEC72 Section: ECE-10-D9628 Section ID: 139404 |
N/A 8/12/2024 to 12/11/2024 online |
Bldg: WNET Room: WNET |
Title: Prin Prac Teach Method: LEC72 Section: ECE-1A-D9686 Section ID: 139870 |
N/A 8/12/2024 to 12/11/2024 online |
Bldg: WNET Room: WNET |
Title: Chld Growth/Dev Method: LEC02 Section: ECE-3-W2121 Section ID: 139406 |
10:30AM to 11:45AM 8/12/2024 to 12/11/2024 M W |
Bldg: W800 Room: W-801 |
Title: Child, Family, Comm Method: LEC72 Section: ECE-31-D9629 Section ID: 139407 |
N/A 8/12/2024 to 12/11/2024 online |
Bldg: WNET Room: WNET |
Title: Practicum in ECE Method: LAB04 Section: ECE-45-W2122 Section ID: 139408 |
N/A 8/12/2024 to 12/11/2024 online |
Bldg: TBAW Room: W-TBA1 |
Title: Practicum in ECE Method: LEC02 Section: ECE-45-W2122 Section ID: 139408 |
5:00PM to 5:50PM 8/12/2024 to 12/11/2024 M |
Bldg: W800 Room: W-801 |